Once upon a time, an English photographer combined 24 photos of a horse to show “The Horse in Motion.” It was the first experiment to create a video in 1878. After 10 years, a French inventor created the “Roundhay Garden Scene.” It was the oldest surviving motion picture in the Guinness Book of Records. Then, there was the Internet where videos can be uploaded. In 2005, YouTube was launched with its first video – “Me at the Zoo.” From there, the rest was history. Video technology evolved faster and soon became the king of digital media.

Video marketing is the number 1 winner in 2020. But people’s habits have changed. Because of the many social media websites, their attention span is very short. They tend to hop from one network to another daily. As such, most social media agencies Hong Kong use short-form video content to engage their audience. These short clips have strongly influenced the buying decision among consumers. Many social networks added features and tools to create short video clips. They are launched not only for marketing purposes but because they are the crowd’s favorite. At first, there were Instagram Stories which sooner was also adopted by Facebook. Then, there were Twitter Fleets. 

Facebook and Instagram Stories

Launched in 2016, around 500 million Instagrammers use Instagram Stories daily. They allow users to post an image or video that disappears within 24 hours after posting. In 2017, Facebook integrated the Stories within the platform. They are initially user-generated content uploaded by Facebook users. Like Instagram Stories, they disappear within 24 hours after posting. 

Facebook Stories appear on top of Facebook feeds. A story will appear in full-screen mode once a user taps a profile photo in the Stories tab. Unlike a regular Instagram post, Stories don’t have likes or public comments. To create Facebook Stories, simply tap the plus sign within your profile photo on the Stories tab. You can choose the option to add an image or video from your camera roll or capture a live photo or video that you want to share.

Instagram Stories appear on top of Instagram feeds. A story will appear in full-screen mode once a user taps a profile photo in the Stories tab. Unlike a regular Instagram post, Stories don’t have likes or public comments. To create Stories on Instagram, simply tap the plus sign on your Instagram home page and choose the story option at the bottom of the camera screen. 

Facebook and Instagram Stories have different elements that brands can use for video marketing Hong Kong. These elements make it easier for users to create engaging and high-quality videos in the absence of studio filters and hi-tech cameras. 

  • Augmented Reality or AR effects allow users to add digital objects within a real-world environment. They can be a cost-effective and creative way of enhancing the presentation of your Instagram Stories. Brands can also use them to highlight a certain product.
  • Product Tags on Instagram Stories are a great way to influence the buying decision of the viewers. Using the right CTAs and linking them to an eCommerce website allows people to shop without leaving Instagram.
  • Stickers are another way to monetize content. Product stickers help users discover more products that brands offer. Tapping on the features allows them to check out their cart directly on Instagram. 
  • Shops and Shop Catalogs can be shared via Facebook and Instagram Stories. These serve as the digital storefronts among businesses.
  • Video Clip Editing tools were added by Facebook and Instagram to Stories last December 2020. They are very useful in changing the elements of Stories that brands put under an A/B experiment.

One great thing about Facebook Stories is their ability to be shared on Facebook Pages. This is some sort of targeted advertising. Sharing relevant brand Stories on Facebook Pages stir conversations and uplift traffic on a brand’s site.

Recently, Instagram is also testing auto-captions and saving drafts of Stories. Auto-caption can boost the reach of Stories for SEO purposes. While saving Stories makes it easier for marketers to fill their Instagram calendar.

Twitter Fleets

Twitter officially launched Fleets on 17 November 2020. Since Fleets disappear after 24 hours, it gives lower pressure for people to share what’s happening. Fleets are a great way for sharing momentary thoughts. It starts conversations through direct messaging on Twitter.

Twitter Fleets are visible on top of Twitter timelines. Tapping the profile picture of the account you are following on Twitter shows a full preview of the account’s latest Fleet. Users can fleet an image, text message, tweet reaction, or video. To add a Fleet, just tap your Twitter profile picture on the Fleets tab. You now have the option to upload an image or video from your camera roll or you can capture one to shoe on your Fleet story. To share a tweet on Fleets, tap the share icon and choose “share in Fleets.”

Fleets are a relatively new kind of social media story. But many brands find ways to use them in marketing. 

  • The Twitter nation craves authentic interaction. Using Fleets, brands can share behind-the-scene experiences. They can show how a product is made or what a typical day in the company looks like.
  • Fleets vanish so fast freeing brands from cluttering Twitter feeds. Through Fleets, brands can share casual content like product inventories, top-selling items, and upcoming product lines. 
  • Fleets are also the perfect place for a live broadcast. Brands can announce a big event, an upcoming sale, how-tos, unboxing, etc. Through Fleets, brands can create a sense of urgency by sharing giveaways and promotions that last for 24 hours.
  • Fleets are also helpful in keeping your fans updated with what’s happening in the business. Whether it’s a new sale, product launch, or shipping delays, brand followers won’t miss it because Fleets stay on top of the tweets all day long.
  • Besides authentic interaction, the Twitter nation also craves fun and news. Fleets are a great wait to create fun and entertainment through memes and short clips. Such content can encourage engagement and liven up your followers’ moments on Twitter. Alternatively, a Fleet is also an eye-catching way to share the latest news and trends in the world today. 

2021 Trends for Stories Marketing 

A marketing speaker Hong Kong, stories marketing is very popular because it is authentic, entertaining, and simpler to digest. Today, brands use story marketing in alignment with 3 trends.

  • UGC for authenticity. A happy customer’s story about a positive experience in a product is very authentic proof among consumers. Brands can publish user-generated videos that evoke emotions. Once they capture the viewer’s heart, these stories can most likely impact their buying decision.
  • Behind-the-Brand videos for entertainment. Stories marketing can help promote transparency within brands. Using them to showcase behind-the-brand videos can be very entertaining. Brands are giving the viewers a unique experience in connecting them with the people behind a brand. Pulling back the curtains for bloopers, fun moments, or milestones makes the audience laugh and feel connected.
  • A simpler way to educate the customers. Most people find text instructions boring. This makes them miss out on critical items on a manual. Stories marketing is also a simpler way to educate your customers. Explainer videos make it easier for them to remember step-by-step instructions on how to use a product. It is also a simple way of showing them what are their benefits.

Stories marketing doesn’t end here. It is a continuous effort that brands should do. Go ahead, tell your brand stories.





